გამოქვეყნებული 2020-10-20
საკვანძო სიტყვები
- Zoroastrism,
- Georgian Folklore,
- Religion of Sons of God,
- Soul's Journey After Death
როგორ უნდა ციტირება
The article is designed to analyse the data found in Zoroastrian and Georgian texts, preserved in highland regions of Georgia in fragments and narratives of “Religion of sons of God’’. They deal with the soul’s journeys after death, Paradise, and also the cult of trees which is related to Paradise. All this reflected in the essential part of the sixth century AD narrative of Georgia’s conversion to Christianity. By analysing this data, one can see that in that area where the old Svetitskhoveli was built, four different cultural traditions converged: the ancient Zoroastrian world, the local “sons of God” tradition, as well as Hebrew-Christian and Hellenistic-Roman Christian tendencies.