ტომ. 44 (2024)

გრიც ხალიმონენკოს „ქართული ლიტერატურის ისტორია“

ივანე მჭედელაძე
ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

გამოქვეყნებული 2024-11-27

საკვანძო სიტყვები

  • ქართული ლიტერატურა,
  • გრიც ხალიმონენკო,
  • უკრაინული ლიტერატურათმცოდნეობა

როგორ უნდა ციტირება

მჭედელაძე ი. (2024). გრიც ხალიმონენკოს „ქართული ლიტერატურის ისტორია“. ლიტერატურული ძიებანი, 44, 368–380. https://doi.org/10.62119/lr.44.2024.8247


Development of Kartvelology has a national significance along with the scientific. In the political and cultural environment caused by the trans­national processes of modern globalization, it is impor­tant to determine the place of each national culture. This becomes particularly relevant in the case of preserving the identity of the ori­gi­nal cultures of a small number of coun­tries. From this point of view, studying the self-contained culture of Geor­gia, as a small country and adapting it to the cultural achievements of mo­dern hu­ma­nity is the main challenge of both Georgian and foreign Kartve­lology studies.

Both, the traditions and the modern state of Kartvelology stu­dies ab­road are well known for us. It should be noted that Ukrai­nian Kartvelo­logy studies have a rich and long tradition, which is still not properly stu­died in Georgian literary studies. The existing scientific literature on the reflection of Georgian literature and culture in Ukraine is somehow influ­enced by ideology, precisely because of the Soviet ideological science, many facts were unknown and not accessible to researchers. These materials are, in fact, unknown even to Georgian scientific circles.

In the report, I discuss the unique monograph "History of Georgian Literature" (Kiyv, 2021) by the Ukrainian Kartvelolologist Hryts Khalimo­nenko, which in terms of scope, depth and volume of research can only be compared to Donald Rayfield's "THE LITE­RATURE OF GEORGIA". In order to fully analyze the work, I will consider the tradition of Kartvelology studies and the study of Georgian literature in Ukrainian science. In order to analyze this issue in depth, in the report I will also discuss the unknown archival materials that I have found. This kind of approach shows, on the one hand, the relationship of the mentioned work with the already existing tradition, and on the other hand, highlights a new stage of modern Ukrai­nian Kartvelology studies.