გამოქვეყნებული 2024-11-27
საკვანძო სიტყვები
- ვ. ნოზაძე,
- „ვეფხისტყაოსანი“,
- გული,
- გამოუქვეყნებელი ხელნაწერი
როგორ უნდა ციტირება
The unpublished work of V. Nozadze "Vepkhistqaosnis Gultametqveleba (The language of Heart in The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”; autograph) is kept in the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia, in the archive of Victor Nozadze, brought from France by G. Sharadze. The work consists of two notebooks; The first notebook occupies pages 1-89 and consists of 27 small subsections, in which from the poems of "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" mainly the lines related to the heart are discussed. The second notebook includes pages 1-63 (the last 7 pages are missing) and here 36 subheadings are highlighted, in which from the poem the lines related to the character and circumstances of the heart are analyzed. The date of writing of the work is unknown.
"The Knight in the Panther's Skin" presents general views on the heart. Here the biblical teaching on the heart occupies a large place. Two meanings of the heart are distinguished (the vital center and the bearer of spirituality – "spiritual heart") and the functions of the heart. V. Nozadze talks about the relationship between the heart and faith (faith is the "state of the heart"). Here, the most important thesis is expressed that in the Bible the heart is presented as a "subject = man", "the heart is a thinker and an actor". According to V. Nozadze, the view of a Georgian person on the heart corresponds to the biblical understanding of the heart, however, the scientist does not believe that the Bible influences this, but – the personal opinion of Georgians about the heart, derived from reality. The work mentions that the "heart" in "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" is used more than 300 times, which is due to the importance of the heart in human life, namely, it is considered the "center of life" and the "principle of life". According to V. Nozadze, Rustaveli uses "heart" in the "folk" sense, in the meaning of feeling, psyche associated with consciousness and reason; and "brain" is not found in the poem, "brain" is a synonym for "heart". "Heart" is sometimes used instead of "mind" and "conscience". According to V. Nozadze, "heart" as a physical organ is rarely used in the poem, and then only in a figurative sense. According to his definition, heart, knowledge and mind are inconceivable without each other, that consciousness and mind depend on feeling; and the heart, mind and soul – together – are life. Here, a remarkable idea is emphasized that in "The Knight in the Panther's Skin", as in the Bible, the heart is personified, it is the subject and the second person in a person.
V. Nozadze singles out and explains phraseology, composites, epithets and metaphors related to the "heart" from the poem. When discussing various issues, he mainly relies on the Bible, St. Fathers' Teachings, foreign and Georgian explanatory dictionaries, as well as on scientific literature. “The language of Heart in The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” by V. Nozadze, like his other works, is an extremely important fundamental study.